Ryan A. Aukerman, M.D.
Fellowship-Trained in Complex Knee, Shoulder, and Sports Medicine.
Complex Knee and Shoulder Specialist.
UW Team Physician
Laramie | Cheyenne | Rock Springs | Gillette
Better Results, Less Surgical Hardware.
Dr. Aukerman continues to implement innovative solutions that are proven to help his patients heal more quickly, benefit from natural healing solutions, and limit the amount of hardware that remains in the body after surgical procedures. Learn more about his latest solutions by clicking on the links below.
Dr. Aukerman is a hyper-specialized consultant for Smith & Nephew Endoscopy and Sports Medicine Division.
He is also honored to be invited to contribute to a new multicenter research project. As one of 12 hand-selected surgeons from the US, he is working with the world’s top knee restoration surgeons to determine new ways to improve patient outcomes utilizing the OSSIO knee bar.